The skin is the body’s largest organ, so it is exposed to many elements that take their toll over time. Environmental factors, lifestyle choices, and genetics play a role in triggering various dermal issues. While there some are beyond our control, a regular skin check from a dermatologist can help detect early signs of any skin condition that can be treated before it deteriorates.

This guide explores why regular skin checks are imperative and why you should consult a dermatologist.

Early Detection of Skin Cancer

Prolonged, unprotected exposure to ultraviolet radiation accounts for 90% of all skin cancer cases due to harmful UVA and UVB rays that potentially damage the skin cell DNA and cause cancerous lesions. These tumours are treatable if detected early. Unfortunately, most people notice this condition in its progressive stage.

A report by the National Cancer Institute indicates21 new cases of melanoma and a 2.1 death rate for every 100,000 men and women each year. It is believed that early detection and treatment of this fatal dermal condition through regular skin checks can slow down the rates.

Detection of Other Skin Conditions and Diseases

Abnormal discolouration, sores, or patches on the skin often point to a sign of skin disease, but may not always be a precursor to skin cancer. Nevertheless, it’s important to have such conditions checked by a dermatologist to prevent worse outcomes. Upon inspection, they may turn out to be acne, eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, or rosacea, all of which are treatable.

Personalized Skincare Advice

Everyone’s skin is different, and what works for one person may not work for another. It’s normal for a skin condition to start after a change in lifestyle, such as pregnancy, extreme weight loss, or the use of steroids. These changes often affect the skin’s texture, hydration, and complexion.

It’s ideal to see a dermatologist who can provide personalized skincare advice such as tips for managing specific conditions, recommendations for suitable skincare products, and guidance on maintaining healthy skin. This assures you of better outcomes than with over-the-counter products and home remedies.

Monitoring Skin Changes

Given how our skin is constantly exposed to various weather elements and natural changes as we age, there’s no denying that it necessitates special attention. In fact, some of these subtle alterations, such as changes in moles or the spurt of new growth, may go unnoticed by our untrained eyes. However, to a dermatologist, these changes can alert them to any underlying conditions that require treatment.

How Often Should You Have Skin Checks?

While seeing a dermatologist at least once a year for a skin check is strongly advised, it still depends on your situation and health condition. For example, you may require more visits if you have a family history of skin cancer or are particularly susceptible to sun damage. The frequency of your appointments will be determined by a consultation with your dermatologist.


In many cases, skin problems can be easily treated and remedied. It is therefore prudent to maintain a healthy skin care regimen and visit a dermatologist regularly, especially if there is a high risk of you being extremely or constantly exposed to harsh weather elements, chemicals, and environmental hazards. Early detection also saves you money and the stress of dealing with health issues down the line.

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